Monday, November 18, 2013

Monday. November 19,2013---a prelude to an artist statement?

  Thankyou everyone for your comments! it gives me even more energy while i am in the studio, and many of your comments come to mind during times of struggles.
A few of you brought of concerns about the opacity of certain sections and that the underlying work need be covered up. I am gonna probally go against the grain by saying i prefer the lack of opacity. I am a carpenter/craftsmen and very much find great visual and narrative potency in leaving the means to the end exposed. I harbor ill will towards paintings which look to finished and polished. I strive to step away from the easel the moment the energy/mood has gone, and while the piece offers enough "stuff" to open a visual conversation with the viewer. It is a tremendously fine line for sure, and more recently I am tending to err on the side of underdoing something, because it affords me a chance to look longer and add if called for.
i guess i really would like to know if you feel by leaving the traces and history of previous marks i am lessend your expectations as a viewer to what a piece of art should look like.
if i had to compare my current work to another art form i would say bebop jazz. it is taking a lot of education, blending it with a manifold of influences and trying to improvise a synergy of it all in real time. the ugliness and beauty of doing it "live" not being affraid of the flaws coming up and suggesting a deeper story. i have usually found what i percieve to be flaws or accidents to be a rich resource of inspiration.
def . would love to hear if any of this clicks with anyone or if i am just a madman doodling away. i am content either way

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Thursday November 14 2013

   A work-progress-
48" x48". Acrylic on wood. wip

48' x 48". Acrylic on wood.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

New Favorite Artist...

 If i hadnt found a book on williem de kooing at the local library when i was 15 i would not have become the artist i am today. the book of his work was the pivot upon which my life spun. de kooning represented the pinnacle of what an artist could achieve. besides a prestigous talent he was a hard worker and never took the easy way out.
  all that being said i have a new favorite artist, Richard Diebenkorn. His body of work is simply amazing. while de kooning could hit or miss with certain works diebenkorn had a sophiscation and color approach that rivaled any challenger. diebenkorn ,to be, showed everything an artist aims to show in  ones career.

Monday, October 28, 2013

Monday Oct 28, 2013 thoughts on my own work.

this is a digital manipulation of a an acrylic painting I have done. For some reason I always like when i introvert the colors of a painting. they usually work together as well but take on new meaning and character. and think part of the appeal to me is that it makes the work feel as if it was created by someone else. i always like another artist's work better than my own.i often get very jealous.
the second thing i noticed when looking at my artwork through various software is that almost every piece has a very mathmatical,proportion-driven grid. this is almost never planned. but in a lot of cases it is very exact. so any way here is a work where i introverted the colors, and exposed the grid . crit and comments encouraged.

color introverted. grid lines imposed.

original painting.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013


a stipend from the moon,
crazy fella, all the way
assured of his sidewaysness
he is happy, i am happy , we are happy all.
he told me of this meteor, and showed me the crater,
i laughed , happy to know things like this happen.
thru and thru, i'd like to think i am on the lookout,
for an impact soon.
hunger wants food.
the soul craves a good show,
chock full of all the livingness of all things
all along things coming and going out of being.
there is only a wanting,
to be counted among the final tally.

To Want

what coins cast into you well,
it is just as well,
i'd not have my wish.
lush dreams too soon turn to villany.
whims are meant for on thrashing boughs,
meriting the heinous climb.
lust would have you reach,
atop the last foliaged tier.
and looking out from the leaves?
unexplored miles unravel the conquest,
rivers stream, and meadows dream,
unaware of the young boy
up in the tree.

Errand Boy

the fates do not conjole,
to see men down.
the gates are wide,
if we will ride on through.
a ghost perches above me as i sleep
a faceless, chubby ghoul.
doesnt ask for a thing,
but assuredly not unwanting.
i toss, turn, never getting sound.
him, pillared and unriled
i fully awake,
i smirk and wink,
so as to let him know,
he will have to wait-
i still got some things
i've meant to do

A Short Story

this is a work of non-fiction betrayed by its friends and itself, reduced to a wildly inaccurate sketch. A sloppy account of a late night travel. of wearily pulling up to an intersection outside a nondesript town.
       you just want to get home as fast as you can.approaching the intersection you slow, hopeful the light will change and you wont actually have to stop.shit out of luck. unwavering red. staining the pavement, and flooding to the back of the brain. drunk and momentarily all shades of retarded, time is a mash up, a real dozy of a wreck of all the events having transpired. the seconds dont tick off, the clock on the dash stubbornly stuck. the light doesnt change.further more, the light in each direction is red.its late, past the time of respectable people out on respectable errands.they have bored themselves to sleep. there are no other motorists. this is the story, usually forgotten when you wake the next morning still gravely dehydrated, wishing instead you had been carted off, thrown in the ally, and left to die, rather than suffer the indignation of vinsibilty. it all lies. your family,friends, bosses, the booze and the drugs.the radio,the television,the silver screen. the teacher, the therapist, even your dog. but of all these, time lies the most, and painfully lies the best, or the worst depending how badly you've been cheated. Time can fill up your cup or crack it in your hands. Its a gatebuster.a runaway criminal with a master plan. accompliced by the notion of truth. Paired up, a duo, walking the line.not so much evil for the things they do, but for the things they make us do, and far worse, for the things they make us do while having us believe, its the right thing to do. you mind as well be an alcoholic or a dopefiend. its all a lie, one illusion or another, only as real as we can convince ourselves it is.we are all capable at any moment of acts along the entire moral range from honest and good to downright despicable. we can be openly kind, or slyly the devil brought up through a crack in the soil. we wake up everyday, those of us stewards of good morality abide to certain rituals of proper hygiene.  Before the morning even stumbles out of its infancy we find ourselves in front of our porclein god. bathroom sinks are scarely thouhgt of that way. but our indeed a temple for all kinds of rituals and practices, and wholly false worship. as we brush and floss while looking at ourselves looking back at ourselves, most of us, then and there, come up with the day's first lie.
     i still believe in morality. i think. i believe in it apart from religion and any kinship with my god. Morality to me boils directly back to myself, and treating others how i expect to be treated  myself. right off the bat, know,mr.reader, I am not kind. i have masterful moments of grand selfishness. i ultimately mean well. i still anchor my morality upon life being fair.Do good, and good will be done to you. seems logical. seems like it ought to be true. its uncareful thinking. the likes of which deviled pros fancy to extort.There is enough goodness to go around, so i ve been brought up to believe,just as every dog has its day. at some point its all gotta turn around. doesn t it?
     the whole thought has damaged my brain, at least equal to the sum of all my abuses so far. I have quit many things cold turkey. but for anything cold,there is always a microwave.  radiation -resurrection-the zombie- unbiblical -version . the one thing we have learned to do the best is to kill  ourselves, and others, and slowly in a way hardly a gnat knows. sipping my coffee, i realize, even if i cared how little it would matter or mean towards stopping the onslaught of the machine. but not one for lasting self-pity i wont give up the fight, but i may take a nap in front of the oppressors tank with a timebomb strapped to my throat.

A Quick Glimpse of a Painter Playing

I am Jealous of People With Good Pensmanship

i hate my handwriting. it comes out horrible looking. my signature is horrible as well. i notice whenever i jot anything down how far it is from visually appealing. it bugs me. really does. why can i paint and the line flow without any thought to it, but words come out so ugly? i dont get it. i am envious of almost everyone else's handwritting. everyone else seems to have some characther imbued into it. mine has zero. sure, sometimes, i'll consciously write something which looks alright, but usually it is shit,even if it is on scratch paper. I like basic math, and very much hate when simple things dont add up. my handwriting bedevils really does. i see slick signatures in ledgers and on the back of checks or on the sweet spot of a baseball, i am jealous. i hate how people very artistically disinclined, can have such beautiful flow and line in the things they write. if they spoke and thought as fine as they wrote the whole world would be swell.

Figurative Works